
Flexible and future-proof access to the TI - for everyone

The TI-Gateway (TIG) is the central access point to the TI. It enables any number and size of service provider institutions to connect to the TI - scalable, simple, data protection-compliant.

The TI-Gateway at a glance

  • Freely scalable - system grows with the number of users
  • Fail-safe - redundant component design and intelligent control ensure availability
  • Management and monitoring via defined interfaces
  • Possibility of integration into customer portals
  • Role-based access, central administration of operator, reseller, DVO and user
  • Standard server hardware
  • Scalable number of virtual device identities through the use of hardware security modules
  • Connection of any number of card terminals
  • High security through the provision of separate, virtual connector instances by the HSK
  • Continued use of the familiar technical interfaces - interfaces of the virtual connector instances correspond to those of today's connectors

Strong partnership for a future-oriented TI connection

The secunet high-speed connector and the Worldline access module form the basis for the TI gateway. secunet was the first provider on the market to receive approval for a high-speed connector that runs on Lenovo's powerful and secure hardware. Our strong partner Worldline, also known as the market leader for eHealth card terminals with over 350,000 eHKTs installed in the German healthcare sector, contributes in particular its expertise in the operation of certified connectivity platforms, which is resilient and flexible with over 500,000 devices in use.

With our experience of over 80,000 connectors in the field, secunet and its partners can take TI connectivity to the next level:

  • Continuing to use the local secunet connector as a TI client, or bringing in an intelligent platform that can incorporate TI access and other services - medical connect and the TI service client
  • Automatic management of all instances to increase availability and fast failover
  • Parallel operation of multiple, approved Konnektor PTV versions within a TI gateway
  • High data security thanks to centralized and encrypted storage of user data for all virtual connectors
  • Simple migration from local secunet connectors to the TI gateway
  • Individual customization of the onboarding platform, also as a white label variant
  • Additional services, such as connection to all relevant specialist services and future-oriented support options.
Contact request
Do you have questions about secunet's TI portfolio?
Do you have questions about secunet's TI portfolio?

Just write us via the contact form. We will be happy to help you.

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