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First provider on the market: secunet high-speed connector receives approval

secunet, leading manufacturer of connectors for the German telematics infrastructure (TI), is the first provider to receive approval for its high-speed connector (HSK) from gematik, the National Agency for Digital Medicine. As a server-based software solution, the HSK replaces the large number of connectors in hospitals and other large facilities, thus significantly reducing operating and administration expenses.
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The HSK is available as an appliance for on-site operation in the customer's own data centre or "as a service" (housing) in a certified external data centre and is characterised by high performance thanks to powerful server hardware. Decentralised connectors, for example in individual hospital departments, are no longer necessary when using an HSK.

The secunet HSK can be easily administered via the graphical management system, the so-called dashboard. Fallback and failover scenarios have also been implemented. This also eliminates the preventative assignment of card terminals to a large number of individual connectors, as was necessary to create redundancies with the single-box connectors. Further advantages of the HSK: virtual device identities are used so that physical cards (gSMC-Ks) are no longer required. In future versions, other identities, such as the SMC-B as an institutional ID will also be virtualised in the HSK.

With the secunet HSK, a large number of separate virtual connector instances of different sizes can be created, whereby the operation of the HSK is clearly separated from the management of the instances. The secunet HSK can be scaled modularly and is fully updateable. This makes it a future-proof solution for a TI in transition.

"There is no single path to the telematics infrastructure. But there is the right solution for every requirement profile. For the next generation of the TI, the focus is shifting to new concepts that enable greater performance, flexibility and centralised administration. With the high-speed connector, secunet offers the technical basis for this," says Markus Linnemann, Vice President Division eHealth, secunet.